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Our Activities

We are Transporting General Goods, and Refrigerated Cargo

all over Europe and the United States, we are 7 Years experienced

Company in Transport any section and type Transport.


2021 - New Rules

the new Rules is ongoing the Project of cleanup, and clean start of the company for

the Future, so we took our hands off the large activities, we are only Transporting

General Goods, Volume and Refrigerated now, we had to Reduce the amount of fleet

units, and getting rid of them to take part of the Project, the Regulations of Europe and

the Emission law of the vehicles, (diesel) has being making un-easy times for Celik, so we

had to take care of the all Tractor-Units to take them out of service, for sell and export,

so we can gain Cash for the new Fleet.


these are the Currently Transporting Sections:

Dry Goods

Refrigerated Goods

Curtainsider General Goods

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